A combination of tighter home loan lending regulations and the uncertainty in our new COVID world have made looking after your living expenses an essential part of creating a more secure future for you and your family.
It might be hanging with spiderwebs and lined with lovely old carpentry tools from another time, a serene hideaway for an artist's creative pursuits or a tricked-up man cave kitted out with every mod con you could possibly dream of.
As expected, the Reserve Bank of Australia kept the cash rate at 0.25% at its meeting today as the country continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you have been thinking about building a new home or carrying out an extension or renovation, now might be the time to meet with an AFG broker and work through your options.
With 7.1 million Instagram followers (including a slew of celebrities such as Tom Ford, Cindy Crawford, Robbie Williams and Reese Witherspoon), Celeste Barber is a big deal online.